Confidentiality Statement

Our services are confidential, and we do not willingly share information about those in the program. That said, there are specific situations in which our team may be compelled to share information with authorities.

Members of the intervention team are required to call authorities (such as police, court, mental health services, and/or child services) if someone presents an imminent risk of hurting themselves and/or others, if the intervention team member learns of neglect and/or abuse of a child, or if subpoenaed by a court. This approach aligns with the professional standards and legal responsibilities of social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and medical doctors. 

If someone is participating in Evolve as a condition of parole, probation, a peace bond, release, bail, etc., we may be required to report certain pieces of information. In this situation, what we report, and who we report it to, will be discussed at the start of the relationship.