Embrace hope through judgement-free support.

Are your actions or beliefs getting in the way of your goals and relationships? Evolve is a confidential, voluntary, and no-cost program to support those moving away from extremist ideologies, conspiracy theories, grievances or groups that justify violence. We also work with individuals who have experienced a hate incident or crime, providing a place to share your experience and find support.

Need help? We’re here to listen. Call 1-877-938-6580 or fill out our contact form.

What are you looking for?

"I need to talk."

If your actions or beliefs are getting in the way of building meaningful relationships or reaching your life goals, our mentors, caseworkers, and counsellors are here to listen and help you make positive changes.

"I'm worried about someone."

If you’re concerned about the beliefs or actions of someone close to you, our team will support you and guide you to appropriate resources.

"I've experienced a hate crime or hate incident and need support."

You may experience unique and intense impacts, which can benefit from specialized support. Our team of counsellors and human service professionals are here to assist and support you with counselling, resources, advice, and advocacy. We also offer a supportive place to share your story.

What We Do

Our goal is to create lasting and meaningful positive change for the people we work with. Our work is collaborative — we focus on getting to know you and building a genuine, reliable relationship. We strive to understand your unique needs and collaborate with you to help you reach your personal goals. We do this through providing personalized support, connecting you to community resources, and offering professional counselling that gets you on a positive path. We also support you to create or reconnect to meaningful relationships that will help you make that growth.

We are a non-government organization and work independently from the government and law enforcement. We are headquartered in Edmonton and provide services throughout Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. If you are outside of this region, please still reach out, as we can work remotely with individuals and families from across Canada or connect you with services in your area.

We provide mentorship, customized social support, and counselling to individuals and families:

  • whose actions or beliefs are getting in the way of making meaningful connections and reaching their life goals. (These actions/beliefs may include extremist ideologies, conspiracy theories, grievances, involvement with groups that justify violence, etc.)
  • who have been affected by hate incidents or crimes.

Our work can include:

  • Connection to community resources, including those that support basic needs (such as housing, food security, income support, etc.)
  • Support understanding and navigating systems (justice, health, housing, social assistance, etc.)
  • Mentorship and relational support (talking to people who’ve gone through similar experiences)
  • Personal and family counselling
  • Culturally-informed support
  • Strategies to support mental health
  • Addiction support
  • Employment and educational support
  • Crisis Management
  • Connection to leisure and recreation services
  • News + Media Literacy

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Evolve for?

Evolve is for people who are seeking positive change for themselves and their loved ones. This might involve leaving behind beliefs, actions, and negative life experiences that cause harm to you and those you care about. We’re not here to change your thoughts or tell you what to believe. Our goal is to help you develop the skills, resources, and relationships that you need to make a positive change in your life.


Evolve also supports individuals and their families who have experienced a hate incident or crime. Our staff listen to your story and seek to support you with counselling, resources, advice, and advocacy.


If you find yourself feeling unsure about whether Evolve is for you, feel free to send us a message. Your personal information is kept confidential and one of our staff members will be able to answer any questions you may have. Please note that there are certain circumstances that limit our confidentiality, which you can learn more about below.

What types of belief systems or ideologies do you work with?

We work with individuals and families engaged with a range of extreme beliefs, actions, grievances, and ideologies. Extremism can impact people from all walks of life and communities. We provide non-judgmental support to you and your loved ones.

Are your services confidential?

Our services are confidential, and we do not willingly share information about those in the program. That said, there are specific situations in which our team may be compelled to share information with authorities.

Members of the intervention team are required to call authorities (such as police, court, mental health services, and/or child services) if someone presents an imminent risk of hurting themselves and/or others, if the intervention team member learns of neglect and/or abuse of a child, or if subpoenaed by a court. This approach aligns with the professional standards and legal responsibilities of social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and medical doctors. 

If someone is participating in Evolve as a condition of parole, probation, a peace bond, release, bail, etc., we may be required to report certain pieces of information. In this situation, what we report, and who we report it to, will be discussed at the start of the relationship.

What is your relationship with law enforcement?

We are independent from law enforcement and national security organizations. Police officers and investigators may refer individuals to Evolve or encourage them to contact us, but our interactions with these individuals are not freely shared back with law enforcement.

There are specific situations in which our team may be compelled to share information with law enforcement or other agencies. Learn more about confidentiality by reviewing our confidentiality statement.

What do you do if someone who holds certain beliefs does not want to work with you?

Evolve is a voluntary program. We do not force anyone into our program, as we believe forced participation does not lead to positive change. Instead, we focus on building reliable relationships between our staff and those participating in Evolve. We also work with those who have mandated conditions (for example, probation, immigration, parole, peace bond, release, bail, etc.). In these circumstances, we work with individuals to foster engagement through the early stages of the intervention process. 

Is Evolve a deradicalization program?

Deradicalization is often thought of as a process where you’re forced to change your mind on things you care deeply about; that’s not what we do. Instead, at Evolve, our goal is to support you in accessing the resources, skills, and relationships that create positive change for you and those you care about. For some people, exploring, understanding, and changing their own thoughts and beliefs may be part of this process. However, that will always be your decision.

Need Help? Contact the Evolve Program

If you’re looking for a listening ear, contact us now. We respond to all messages within three business days.

To respect your privacy & ensure everyone’s safety, we will only respond to missed calls if a voice or text message is left.

If you have an immediate safety concern, contact your local police.

Our team operates independent from government and law enforcement and we work to assure your privacy. There are specific situations in which we may be compelled to share information with law enforcement or other agencies — read our confidentiality statement to learn more.

For questions about Evolve, call or text us at: 1 (877) 938-6580.

Only be as specific as you're comfortable with. This information helps us match you with the right staff member.